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Alyssa Eppler
Director of Athletics/Recreation
Email Alyssa Eppler
Business Office
Stephanie Bijarro
Curriculum/CTE Assistant
Email Stephanie Bijarro
Deb DeVault
Director of Business & Finance
Email Deb DeVault
Claire Diesing
District Nurse
Email Claire Diesing
Kristina Treece
Payroll/Benefits Specialist
Email Kristina Treece
Stephanie Eby
Secondary Director of Curriculum & Instruction
Email Stephanie Eby
Liane Vaslo
Elementary Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Email Liane Vaslo
Enrollment/Pupil Accounting
Tammy Vore
Pupil Accounting/Data Specialist
Email Tammy Vore
Human Resources
Karen Sandiefer
Executive Asst. to the Superintendent
Email Karen Sandiefer
Recreation Center
Alyssa Eppler
Director of Athletics/Recreation
Email Alyssa Eppler
School Administrators
James Abrams
High School Dean of Students
Email James Abrams
Jodi Brooks
Dean of Virtual Students
Email Jodi Brooks
Jennifer Crosley
High School Principal
Email Jennifer Crosley
Ryan Nadeau
Middle School Principal
Email Ryan Nadeau
Tara Roe
Sodt Elementary Principal
Email Tara Roe
Vanessa Rosecrans
North Elementary Principal
Email Vanessa Rosecrans
Jennafer Windels
Middle School Dean of Students
Email Jennafer Windels
Superintendent's Office
Amy Gee
Email Amy Gee
Karen Sandiefer
Executive Asst. to the Superintendent
Email Karen Sandiefer
Frances Abrams
North Elementary Teacher
Email Frances Abrams
Jean Arnold
North Elementary Teacher
Email Jean Arnold
Andrea Benedict
Middle School Teacher
Email Andrea Benedict
Sara Bisinger
Middle School Teacher
Email Sara Bisinger
Matthew Conkle
High School Teacher
Email Matthew Conkle
Deborah Conner
North Elementary Teacher
Email Deborah Conner
Hope Cousino
High School Teacher
Email Hope Cousino
Debra Cuson
Sodt Elementary Teacher
Email Debra Cuson
Adrian Dahlquist
Sodt Elementary Teacher
Email Adrian Dahlquist
Allison Davies
North Elementary Teacher
Email Allison Davies
Heather Diesing
Middle School Teacher
Email Heather Diesing
Lisa Ellison
North Elementary Teacher
Email Lisa Ellison
Traci Fackelman
North Elementary Teacher
Email Traci Fackelman
Collin Fiscus
JMS Computer Teacher
Email Collin Fiscus
Molly Gaynier
North Elementary Teacher
Email Molly Gaynier
Gene Gennoe
High School Teacher
Email Gene Gennoe
Ann Glotfelty
Sodt Elementary Teacher
Email Ann Glotfelty
Alexander Grant
High School Teacher
Email Alexander Grant
Carrie Grube
High School Teacher
Email Carrie Grube
Melissa Hall
Middle School Teacher
Email Melissa Hall
Ashley Hasley
Sodt Elementary Teacher
Email Ashley Hasley
Stacie Hicks
Middle School Teacher
Email Stacie Hicks
Susan LaBeau
Middle School Teacher
Email Susan LaBeau
Stephanie Lindsay
High School Teacher
Email Stephanie Lindsay
Dawn Little
North Elementary Teacher
Email Dawn Little
Joshua Ludwick
High School Teacher
Email Joshua Ludwick
Carrie Maloziec
North Elementary Teacher
Email Carrie Maloziec
Tricia Martinez
Middle School Teacher
Email Tricia Martinez
Tacey McDonald
Middle School Teacher
Email Tacey McDonald
Karie Milam
High School Teacher
Email Karie Milam
Pamela Miller
Middle School Teacher
Email Pamela Miller
Lori Montange
North Elementary Teacher
Email Lori Montange
Heidi Nolan
North Elementary Teacher
Email Heidi Nolan
Anita Passon
Middle School Teacher
Email Anita Passon
Riley Payment
Sodt Elementary Teacher
Email Riley Payment
Lauren Payne
Sodt Elementary Teacher
Email Lauren Payne
Mike Petty
Middle School Teacher
Email Mike Petty
Crystal Raetzel
Email Crystal Raetzel
Anita Richards
Sodt Elementary Teacher
Email Anita Richards
Peyton Rickman
Sodt Elementary Teacher
Email Peyton Rickman
Kristin Rogaliner
High School Teacher
Email Kristin Rogaliner
Hayat Shamy
High School Teacher
Email Hayat Shamy
Karl Smith
High School Auto Shop Teacher
Email Karl Smith
Kimberly Splan
North Elementary Teacher
Email Kimberly Splan
Emma Stamper
Sodt Elementary Teacher
Email Emma Stamper
Paula Sturn
North Elementary Teacher
Email Paula Sturn
Paul Szymanski
High School Teacher
Email Paul Szymanski
Laura Teague
High School Teacher
Email Laura Teague
Andrea Thomas
Middle School Teacher
Email Andrea Thomas
Amy Upchurch
Sodt Elementary Teacher
Email Amy Upchurch
Liane Vaslo
Elementary Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Email Liane Vaslo
Cary Vincent
High/Middle School Teacher
Email Cary Vincent
Anna Weaver
High School Teacher
Email Anna Weaver
Kaitlyn Webb
High School Teacher
Email Kaitlyn Webb
Laurie Wells
High School Teacher
Email Laurie Wells
Kristy Wingate
Sodt Elementary Teacher
Email Kristy Wingate
Jennifer Young
Middle School Teacher
Email Jennifer Young
Kelli Zaranka
North Elementary Teacher
Email Kelli Zaranka
Zane Russell
Director of Technology
Email Zane Russell
Staff Directory